Cleigh Hartley's Heron MJ1

This is Cleigh Hartley's MJ1, fitted with the 2 litre Fiat engine. The notes on the photos are from Cleigh.

A note to Cleigh: If you'd like any further text here, drop me a note by clicking here!

The guard dog is Kapone. When running beside the car, he's looking down at you!
Click on the image to view it at full size.
Note from Mike: this isn't a Heron! Just in case anyone was wondering...
Recent Queenstown trip, fantastic drive, good Heron roads. When crossing the straits on the Interislander, I got my own special lane, and put on the rail deck, drew a lot of attention that day. Was proud to tell people that "the car was built by Ross baker here in NZ".
Click on the image to view it at full size.
A get-together at Ross Baker's place in Rotorua
Click on the image to view it at full size.
Click on the image to view it at full size.
Note from Mike: I think this is a digitally recoloured picture of the same car...
When owned by Don Hague

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